Easy Halloween Costume Ideas- By: Margot Oliver

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Looking for some easy Halloween costume ideas, well you've come to the right place here are a few ideas that may help you plan your costume.

" Snow Blower
" Make a paper snowflake and attach it to the bill of a ball cap, so it hangs in front of your face. When someone asks what you are, blow on the snowflake.
" A Shot in the Dark
" Dress all in black, tie a shot glass around your neck.
" Autograph Book
" Wear a white shirt and pants. Carry a Sharpie pen and have people sign you!
" God's Gift to women
" Wrap yourself in wrapping paper with a tag: "From: God, To: Women".
" Quarter Pounder
" Carry a quarter and a hammer. If someone asks what your costume is, put the quarter down and pound it with the hammer.

" Q Tip
" Dress all in blue, and cover a cap and your shoes with cotton balls
" Swept Under the Rug
" Attach a throw rug to your back or head. Carry a broom.
" Bulk E-Mail
" Wear muscular padding under a dark sweatshirt with the letter E attached to the front.
" Melted Snow Man
" Drench yourself in water and carry around two sticks, a scarf and a carrot.
" Hole in One
" Take a piece of cardboard and cut out a large "1". Then cut a hole in the middle of the 1. Attach it to your chest.

" 50 Cent (the Rapper)
" Tape two quarters to your chest.
" Running Nose
" Wear a track suit or running clothes. Use a marker to write the word "no" several times all over yourself.
" Babysitter
" Strap a baby doll to your behind and sit on it.
" Golf Tee
" Attach a golf ball to a headband and wear it on top of your head.
" Alicia Keys
" Attach several old keys to your shirt, and wrap a dog leash around your neck.
" Peter Pan
" Put a pan on your head and a "Hello My Name Is Peter" sticker on your shirt.
" Tic Tac Toe
" Attach a pack of Tic Tacs to the tip of your shoe
" Pull Toy
" Wear roller skates and tie a rope around your waist.
" Spongebob Squarepants
" Wear a black sweat suit and hot glue pieces of sponge to your pants. Also, wear a nametag sticker that says "My Name Is: BOB." It works even better if your name is Bob already.

" Chest of Drawers
" Pin underwear to your shirt. Works best with a formal looking business suit.
" Pin-Up Girl
" For a female only: Pin safety pins onto a solid-colored t-shirt or sweatshirt, forming a large arrow pointing up.

" Cloud
" Attach cotton balls all over yourself.
" Black Mail
" Wear all black, and attach a postage stamp to your chest.
" Bright Idea
" Bend wire so it fits around the top of your head. Wrap another piece of wire around the base of a light bulb and attach it to the head piece. Voila! You're having a bright idea!

" Pirate:
" Start with a bandana around your head. Boots are very helpful but you can make boot tops by wrapping dark fabric around your lower leg flapped over at the top. Women--wear a skirt with a ragged bottom. Men--either tuck some loose pants into your boots, or cut the bottom into a ragged edge. Wear a loose shirt unbuttoned at the top, with a vest (it's easy to make a vest by cutting up an old shirt). Wrap a piece of fabric around your waist for a belt.

" Cowboy:
" Everyone owns jeans, and chances are good you own some kind of western or plaid shirt and boots. If you can get your hands on a cowboy hat, that's great. Accessories like a gun belt, lasso, and bandana around your neck, chaps or vest add to the look.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : http://easycostumeideas.net/